Today I told my sister-in-law that I would not be a good druggie. Tonight, I realized it even more when I tried to unlock my car with my house key. I was like "what the hell and I doing?" I still went to the gas station to get a drink. I made it home ok. Seem to be in one piece but I also see that I tried to call m ex. Why would I do that? This pain killer stuff is kicking my ass and the thing is that I am taking them before work. No wonder people are looking at me so weird. The thing is my stats are getting better. So something somewhere is working out for me by taking the pills. I am in less pain. I really had no idea what kind of pain that I was in until I was pain free. Pretty fucked up.
Which brings me to my mani pedi that I got Monday night. I went because I really wanted to feel better about myself. I was feeling really down and just needed something done for me. After I spent 80 bucks getting this all done I noticd crawling into bed that my big toe was sore. No biggie probley just stubbed it on something. Today went fine until I noticed that my toe was freaking hurting when walking. So I looked down and saw a huge puss bubble that was getting bigger and bigger. Well, damn I have an infection. From my pedi!!! SO, I take off work because I am worried that it could get worse because my whole toe is red and swollen. I go back to the place and tell them that I want my money back for all services that I got. The lady said that the owner was not around and that she was the manager and so I asked when the owner would be in. She then said that she was the owner. So which is she? She would only give me my money back for the pedi. Ok fair enough, but I want the owners name and number. She just gave me her name and the store number. I dont think that she is the owner and I am sure the BBB and the Health Department will figure it out. It just pisses me off. I have been going to the same place since my grandma took me when I was 16. I am going to be 29 this year. That is a long time and a really bad way to treat a customer that has been using your services for so long.
But the reason I told you this story is because I was on pain pills when I got all this done on Monday. Could she have cut me and I not have known it? I wonder if my impairment caused me my own pain today? Or did they really just not clean their shit?
The impairment has explained some of the very strange things I have caught myself doing. It makes me wonder what other crazy shit I am doing in public? I am sure that someone will tell me. It is really kind of scary. It is already bad enough that I play in left field on my "drugs" as I call them I think I might have made it into the parking lot trying to catch a ball thats not going to make it that far. Yea, maybe I should ask for something different but then I have already been perscribed so much that I am afraid too. Because now I am on Loritab, a ridiculous dose of Naproxen and Flexeril. This is crazy shit. Too much for me I think. I am not meant to be a druggie for sure.
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